Our favorite project management tool TeamWork.com gave us some great advice on common project pitfalls!
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Is you project getting out of control to the point it is scary (ahhhhh!!)? Whether it wasn’t scoped out correctly, communication broke down, or something unexpected, there is no horror like a project that’s gone sideways!
There is no need to fear, however! Battling a project management monster can be scary, but there are ways to go into battle and come out winning. Here are the most common monster’s and how to come out ahead:
The Mummy
You’re getting wrapped up in the small things
The details of a project are important, but getting caught up in the day-to-day can bring you down. Focus on the big picture and be sure to balance out your long-term goals with you short-term goals. Using the right tools can help you to plot things out and track your progress as you accomplish tasks that move you towards your targets.
The Vampire
The life force is being sucked from your team
Does it feel like you team has been, well, drained? The lifeblood of a project is essential for a project to be successful. One person’s attitude may be draining the team, or maybe morale is low and you don’t know why? To restore your project’s lifeblood, you need to first identify the source of the problem. Find out where it’s coming from and why. Could it be from dissatisfied team members, team member frustration, micromanagement, or a lack of recognition? All of these things can bring your team down. Try addressing the source and turning it into actionable feedback that can improve the life-source of your project.
If you can’t find the source of the negativity in your project, it may be worth asking yourself if maybe you are the source. Take a look at this article to see if you’re the vampire.
Frankenstein (not the doctor! The monster!)
Your creation is spiraling out of control!
You had the best vision for your project, but once more and more people and stakeholders got involved, the project changed into something else entirely! You know the saying: too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup! The same saying applies to your project. To fix this, give your project a purpose. Outline the parameters in the discovery phase of your project and be clear at the outcome when someone deviates from the plan. This is especially important when dealing with clients and the scope of the project shifts halfway through. It can have significant effects on the delivery of your work and, more importantly, your bottom line.
The house itself
You’re stuck in old processes
Overtime, a house that is not maintained gets infested, floorboards that rot, lights that blink and crackle, and start to smell bad. This structure you once called a home has now become the enemy. You’re clinging to the old ways and not moving forward with new processes and innovation. It is time to renovate or move out! Be open minded to new technology and solutions. Use the right tools for the job, and your house will be back up in no time!
And finally…
Don’t split up!
Bad things will always happen when your team goes their separate ways. Remember, you are stronger as a team, and, together, you can conquer any problem!
Need help fighting these common project monsters?
TeamWork.com can help you manage and track your projects
Click here to read more about these common project monsters
Source: Teamwork.com